Chilly run

Stayed up late last night, got caught up in chatting/tweeting/Rav’ing until 2am.  LOL  Leonardo woke me at 6am to go out and I’ve pretty much been awake ever since.  *sigh*


So, since Mr. Growly-Pants woke me early, I took his spirited self out for a 3 miler this morning.  It was actually a bit nippy outside for it…  and I hadn’t dressed for it!  Luckily, I did wear pants, so that helped a good deal.  My ears & arms were pretty darn icy by the time we got back, though.  He forgot his manners during the run & came to a complete & ubrupt stop once…  and now I have “leash burn” on my wrist.  Nothing like having a 200 lb dog decide to come to a complete stop without warning you to have you flip..  I expect it was a rather funny site.  Fortunately, it looks like the little burn I got isn’t too bad, so I shouldn’t get any sly looks.  LOL!  We went a wee bit faster today despite the comical stop – likely because there weren’t too many folks on the Trail today and those that were out there weren’t too inclined to stop & chat.

Tried out my Runner’s Companion…  it stretched out a bit towards the end & started slipping down a little.  Not annoyingly so, thought.  All in all, it worked out just about perfectly for today’s run…  though when I got back, I had a band of sweat around my arm when I took it off.  I’m definitely thinking that a superwash wool yarn would be much better – especially for the hotter temps and/or longer runs.  That cuff of cotton will feel awful heavy in the summer months, I’m thinking – not to mention the friction burn it is sure to cause.  But, we shall see!


Hey, I worked on my Asphodel Lace Scarf this morning!  w00t!  LOL  Didn’t accomplish a whole bunch, but just enough that I’m getting the pattern down better, anyway.  Plan to work on it as much as I can today, hopefully will make some real progress on it.  No doubt I’ll be well sick of it by the time it is nearly done!  What *was* I thinking, knitting a scarf out of laceweight?!  Yeesh.  I am totally & completely blaming my RnR pals for this folly.

I have 2 fishies done for my blanket, woo hoo!  LOL  I just might squeeze in another one or two sometime this weekend.  They are fun to knit up & I can’t wait to see them put together!  ;)

Today’s Ravelry Search

So yeah, it’s technically a leash burn I got today, but for all intents & purposes, it’s really a rope burn.  ;)

* Crochet Beaded Rope - it really looks intriguing, doesnt it?!  Tempting to get some beads - but I am so not going there, too!!

* Crochet Beaded Rope - it really looks intriguing, doesn't it?! Tempting to get some beads - but I am so not going there, too!!

* Ropes & Ladders (bet this knits up quicker than this lace scarf!  LOL)

* Ropes & Ladders (bet this knits up quicker than this lace scarf! LOL)

From Interweave - I have this magazine...  its really eye catching!

From Interweave - I have this magazine... it's really eye catching!

* Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my knitted shopping bags - they are teh bomb!!

* Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my knitted shopping bags - they are teh bomb!!

Stunning.  Truly - and the price for the pattern really is very reasonable, giving the size of this shawl!  DO go check it out, its breathtaking!!

Stunning. Truly - and the price for the pattern really is very reasonable, giving the size of this shawl! DO go check it out, it's breathtaking!!

Oh wow...  seriously, WOW!  Gorgeous, I love it!

Oh wow... seriously, WOW! Gorgeous, I love it!

* snicker - you all know how I feel about pineapple patterns!!  ;)

* snicker - you all know how I feel about pineapple patterns!! ;)

* Now this is decidedly different!  Its a bicycle seat cover, how cool is that?!  ;)

* Now this is decidedly different! It's a bicycle seat cover, how cool is that?! ;)

* This scarf is truly unique!  And its crochet, w00t!  :D

* This scarf is truly unique! And it's crochet, w00t! :D

* Free Pattern!

Seriously…  I guess the Universe is trying to tell me something…  it seemed every other pattern was another scarf pattern!!  There were a total of 10 scarves in only 4 pages!!  *sigh*

Happy Saturday, all!

About H3Dakota

Runner. Knitter. Geek. Vegetarian. Dog Lover.
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2 Responses to Chilly run

  1. peony67 says:

    That is lace-knitting. You start is eagerly, and so happy to see it grow row by row… then bored to no end, but plugging on, then when you get the final edging so happy to see it finished…


    • H3Dakota says:

      *grin* Yeah, it’s the keep plugging on part that I’ve stumbled at. I’ll get there sooner or later, I know… :)


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