Sore legs, drat it!


So the alarm went off at 4:30am this morning.  I got up, turned it off…  and went back to bed.  My calves were hurting as was the left knee, so I decided to give the legs a rest today.  All that’s gone by now, though, of course!!  So I’ll either work my 3 miles in during lunch or else I’ll hit Tae Bo.  I’m leaning towards the run, myself, but it really depends on work & how the rest of the day pans out.


Well, I haven’t done much in the way of knitting, so really nothing to report here!  :)  Had a busy weekend doing pretty much everything *except* knit!

This & That

So I got the stitches out, finally.  The cut is gaping open – they should have put some on the inside, too.  Ah well.  The nurse put steri-strips over it to pull the edges together still.  It will get there, it just takes time.  :)

Found a couple friends from high school on Facebook yesterday.  That lead the brain down the path of remembering this & that from those days.  How one friend used to have a little coffee with his sugar and introduced me to Rush.  How another was so easy to talk to and never judged anyone.  They were some of the best parts of those years & it made my day to come across them there.  :)

Today’s Ravelry Search

So, without further ado, here we have some things from today’s search:

Best friend scarf

Best friend scarf

I think there is a dishcloth for EVERYTHING!

I think there is a dishcloth for EVERYTHING!

I really like the cuff with plain stockinette look of these!

I really like the cuff with plain stockinette look of these!

Cute purse...  even though the friends Ive found are guys... !!  LOL

Cute purse... even though the friends I've found are guys... !! LOL

Lovely mittens!

Lovely mittens!

The pattern is not free, but wow, its just lovely, isnt it?!

The pattern is not free, but wow, it's just lovely, isn't it?!

For your guy friends!

For your guy friends!

Happy Monday, all!

About H3Dakota

Runner. Knitter. Geek. Vegetarian. Dog Lover.
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2 Responses to Sore legs, drat it!

  1. peony67 says:

    If I’d had to get up as early…I would be dead. LOL. No way I could get up, not even to run. Not even to swim. Not even to knit. Hope you hand is better by now!
    Love the lacy sock and mittens!


    • H3Dakota says:

      LOL! Normally I am totally a morning person… but the past few days, not so much. I know that I need to get going on my supplements again, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s why I’m so blasted tired. *rolling eyes*


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